Inaugural event: AI Training with Peter Aiken

Do., 5. Jun

Gleisarena FFHS Campus Zürich

DAMA Switzerland - Zurich

Inaugural event: AI Training with Peter Aiken - Konferenzen

DAMA International is a global organization: It’s objectives are to develop/share best practices and methodologies in modern Data Management. Recently DAMA Switzerland - Zurich was founded: You are cordially invited to join us!   10am – 12pm  Sponsor/Member session,                       Outlining Mission and various offerings of the Association, in presence of Prof. Peter Aiken, President of DAMA International,    12pm – 1.30pm Luncheon buffet, Networking   1.30 – 5pm      Data and AI et al: Back to the basics and up to the future – measurable benefits and risks                        Assessment Workshop & Recommendations, led by Prof. Aiken – max. 25 participants   5 – 6pm           Summary of the day and Cocktail   All tickets inclues a 90 CHF disocunt on first year membership subscription.