Cyber-Defence Campus Conference - Emerging and Disruptive Cyber Technologies: Quantum, Next-Gen Networks and AI

Wed, 30 Oct

Kursaal Bern

Cyber-Defence Campus, armasuisse Wissenschaft und Technologie

Cyber-Defence Campus Conference - Emerging and Disruptive Cyber Technologies: Quantum, Next-Gen Networks and AI - Conferences

Emerging and Disruptive Cyber Technologies: Quantum, Next-Gen Networks and AI - This year's Cyber-Defence Campus Conference will take place on 30 October 2024 at the Kursaal in Bern. The core theme of the conference is «Emerging and Disruptive Cyber Technologies: Quantum, Next-Gen Networks and AI.» - We look forward to welcome experts and interested parties from govnernment, industry and academia to this conference. - Students who are enrolled at a university or university of applied sciences can contact us by email - - to receive a free ticket (Please include your confirmation of enrollment!). - Start Program 8:30 Registration 9:00 WELCOME/INTRODr. Vincent Lenders, Director of Cyber-Defence Campus, Dr. Julian Jang-Jaccard, Conference Program Co-chair, CYD Campus 9:20 Florian Schütz, Director Bundesamt für Cybersicherheit (BACS) 9:45 STARTUP 1   9:55 Dr. Heike Riel, IBM Fellow, Department Head Science & Technology Quantum Computing - the path to quantum advantage 10:20 Coffee Break 10:45 Dominique Gruhl-Bégin, CEO of Innosuisse 11:10 STARTUP 2 11:20 Clémence Poirier, Senior Cyber Defense Researcher, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich Understanding Cybersecurity in Outer Space 11:45 Student pitches 12:10 Lunch + Posters 13:15 Dr. Mart Noorma, Director NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) 13:45 Prof. Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Full Professor, EPFL Distributed AI: Outlooks and Challenges 14:10 STARTUP 3 14:20 Simon MüllerChef, Kommando Cyber - Schweizer Armee 14:50 Coffee Break 15:20 Prof. Torsten Hoefler, Full Professor, ETHZ 15:50 Panel Opportunities and Challenges of Quantum Technologies for Switzerland Dr. Heike Riel (IBM Fellow, Head Science and Technology, Lead IBM Research Quantum) Dr. Philippe Caroff (Executive Director, EPFL Center for quantum Science and Engineering) Dr. Anu Unnikrishnan (Executive Director, ETH Quantum Center) Dr. Andreas Masuhr (Director, Swiss Quantum Commission) Dr. Cornelius Hempel (Group Head, Ion Quantum Computing, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI) 16:40 Startup Challenge Award CeremonyDr. Colin Barschel, Head of Innovation, CYD Campus 16:55 CLOSING REMARKS 17:00 APERO / NETWORKING
