Wed, 29 Nov 2023 - Fri, 28 Mar
UNI Global Union
Alice Richard
For everyone who enjoys playing games and cares about the state of our world! Join us in Nyon for a game workshop simulating 2030 and beyond. Ready to play a thought-provoking and fun simulation that raises awareness about what it will take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals? The 2030 SDGs Game is a powerful experience that will help you to explore what the world could be like in 2030 and beyond, and the mindset and actions that will be required to build a better world. In the game you will spend time and money in order to run projects, with the objective of achieving your mission… What kind of world will emerge by 2030? What will be the impact of your decisions? What will the other people in your world do? All will be revealed when you join us to play the game. After the simulation we will have time to reflect and discuss what we experienced, what difference can we make and how we can connect the game world to our real world. Why play the game? Here is what previous game participants have to say... “Our mindset has to change if we want to have a sustainable planet for the future generations. The 2030 SDGs Game is an easy way to get into the Sustainable Development Goals and understand the impact our own behaviour has on reaching the goals.” - Agile Coach and Trainer, Geneva “Playing the SDGs game I realized how much the SDGs are interconnected and can only be achieved in a collective effort. While we all pursue our personal goals, we sometimes have to take a break and look again at the big picture.” - Programme Officer, United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Geneva "We talk about the SDGs, but what can we actually do about them and how do we do it? Like many of today’s big issues, it all seems so big, complicated and impossible to do alone that it’s hard to get started. The SDGs Game is a great way of experiencing what it’s like just to get started on your bit of the puzzle and simultaneously work together to make a difference across the whole puzzle. It’s exciting, collaborative and eye opening. I highly recommend it!" - Programme Lead, Diabetes UK Where does the game come from? The game was designed in Japan in 2016 where it has become a social phenomenon, the game has been played by over 400,000 people and counting, with events taking place daily in Japan. Since 2019 the game has been spreading around the world and there are now certified game facilitators on all continents. Who can play the game? Anyone can! The game has been played by senior management of leading global companies, government officials, secondary school students, activists and everyone in between. The more diverse the game participants are, the more representative of society it is. Programme 13h45 Doors open 14h00 2030 SDGs Game Workshop and Group Discussion 16h30 Close This game will be facilitated by Alice Richard of Co-CREATE ImpACT, who is a master trainer for the 2030 SDGs Game. Note: This game workshop will also be attended by a cohort of people training to become certified facilitators of the game. If you would like more information about this opportunity, please send us a message using the contact email. Further Information Visit game website Watch a video Learn about the SDGs Or contact Alice Richard